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Mobile Prototype: Conference App

Group Project:  Completed for HF765 Mobile Design

Goal:  Design a mobile app for conference-goers.


  • Six customer interviews

  • Competitive SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis

  • Personas creation

  • Design studio

  • V1 Prototype development

  • Usability testing of V1 Prototype

  • Mural affinity mapping exercise​​

  • Redesign and iterations of prototype

  • Presentation of process, final prototypes, and recommendations

My Contribution

  • Created the personas

  • Contributed to the SWOT analysis

  • Moderated 2/6 usability test sessions and note-took for 1 session

  • Led collaboration analysis session for study results

    • Affinity mapping exercise using

  • Led redesign of mobile prototype, based on the usability test feedback. I organized remote meetings to demo the prototype.  Based on team feedback I modified the design to create our final solution. 

My Contribution Highlights

Primary Persona

Secondary Persona

Usability Findings Analysis

I led my team through this collaboration analysis activity.  From our individual notes, we put each finding on one sticky note.  Each participant was a different color.

To prevent confusion, each of us started on a different participant and rotated clockwise.

After we had written all our findings, we consolidated the like findings within each participant by stacking them on top of one another.  (Same colored stacks, NO RAINBOW STACKS!)

Following this exercise, we grouped findings across participants into themes and categories, e.g. navigating, wayfinding, notifications

I created a Venn Diagram to examine and categorize our findings into larger themes

One issue was that a four circle Venn Diagram doesn't work. I combined two smaller groups of interaction and responsiveness.

Four major themes identified: interaction, responsiveness, familiarity, and continuity

Conference App using Sketch (with Craft Plugin) and Invision

I redesigned a clean, simple prototype that included many of the ideas that we had initially created in our design studio (but were difficult to make functional in Axure) and to address the many problems identified in usability testing.  I gained inspiration from Google calendar and conference apps identified in 

Added tips to guide first time user

iOS standard radio buttons allow the user to set preferences for communication and privacy

Use of conventions such as alphabet link-anchors on right hand side, which minimizes need for users to scroll

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